Massage Benefits Very Few People Know About
Many people believe that getting a massage is a luxury. a number of individuals think massages are simply a way to flirt with someone else. Although it is true that there are some who insist that getting massaged regularly is important but the truth is that the major benefits of massage are yet to be discovered. Have you been trying to figure out whether a bi-weekly massage is worth your money? Here are a number of not yet widely known benefits of massages!
More Than Just Physical
Massage triggers changes in your brain’s chemical makeup. These chemical changes bring down the stress and pain throughout your body. This is great news because it means that you do not necessarily have to massage the exact spot where you have pain. If, for example, you are nervous about having somebody massage your lower back, have them massage your shoulders or arms instead. The pressure on those muscular tissues will spark off the chemical reactions in your brain. Give it a little bit of time and your other muscles will relax also.
It’s possible, according to a few experts, that regular massage helps you to stay healthy. Studies have been conducted that demonstrate massage offers a boost to your immune system and that makes it more effortless to combat diseases. This happens as the massage helps to increase the de-stressors. For example, studies have shown that massage can reduce the cortisol levels in your body. Cortisol is induced by stress and de-stressing your body is a superb way to keep it from invading your immune system which, in turn, helps the rest of your body continue to be healthy.
Overall Body Health
Did you know that getting a massage can help lower your blood pressure? High blood pressure is lowered also. This comes about because massage sets off the vagus nerve which is responsible for helping the brain regulate the levels of your blood pressure and other vital bodily functions. A 2005 study proves that people who have hypertension showed a pronounced improvement in their levels after having just ten ten-minute massages over the course of several weeks.
Self-Massage at Your Desk
You can certainly massage yourself too. There are a number of people who think that massage should be performed by another person but that isn’t really true. You don’t have to be able to reach the precise part that hurts, you just need to be able to reach a point that is close to it. For instance, those who have carpal tunnel syndrome can feel a perceptible improvement by massaging their arms for fifteen minutes a couple of times per week.
There are many health advantages to massage. Many people know that massage can be relaxing but it can help to treat many health conditions as well. The honest truth is that there isn’t any one form of massage that is superior to the other. A great massage requires applying enough pressure to make indentations on the skin and nothing more. So why not try it and experience the many benefits yourself? Day spa Cary NC can give you the massage that you need, and get you feeling great at work again!